Business & Employee support
Place Support Partnership – to help you reduce your bills
Broadmead BID has teamed up with business savings experts Place Support Partnership (PSP) to help levy-paying businesses navigate the energy and cost of doing business crises. PSP want to work with you to identify and realise savings when considering new contracts and choosing suppliers. They can also support you to navigate the current energy crisis and achieve best value on services like electricity, gas, water, telecoms, merchant services, insurance, and pest control.
The programme is funded by Broadmead BID as part of our business support services and is available to all levy payers totally free of charge.
Contact PSP on 0333 0156 289 or email:
More info
Free e-cargo bike trials (for sole traders, SMEs, charities and voluntary sector)
More info
Registered charity Bristol Children’s Scrapstore collect waste and divert around 200 tonnes from landfill each year! Their service is FREE.
All info
The following retailers offer discounts to those working in Bristol Shopping Quarter, that’s Broadmead, The Galleries, The Arcade and Cabot Circus. You may be asked for proof of employment such as an ID card or payslip.
Big Bao 10% discount (when £5 or over, not in conjunction with any other promotion)
Exposure Men Studio 20% discount, Monday to Wednesday
iSmash 10% discount
Menkind 10% discount for all Broadmead staff
Vapour Days 10% discount
If you would like to add an offer, please email us with the details.
For further offers, visit
Free birthday bus pass
Valid on all buses across the West of England throughout the whole month of your birthday – Apply now
Journey sharing platform
Join My Journey matches people from the same workplace to share walking, cycling and car journeys.
NCP – BID exclusive discounted parking offers for those working within the Broadmead BID area. More info HERE
The Galleries – More info HERE
Discounted parking at Cabot Circus exclusively for local employees in Bristol:
Premium Car Parks has partnered with the Cabot Circus Car Parks to offer those in the local area, access to parking at the exclusive discounted price of £7.90 per day.
This unique parking solution means local employees can park as much as they like 24/7.
Premium Car Park members also benefit from the following:
- On-site manned security, along with full CCTV coverage, monitored 24hrs per day
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition, which allows you to come and go without the need for a ticket. You may enter and leave as many times as you like per day, for one single charge
- One monthly direct debit in arrears for our daily rate option
In addition to this, Broadmead BID team is working with PCP to exclusively offer members their first day of parking completely free with promotional code BROADMEADBIDFIRSTDAYFREE.
To complete the sign-up process please visit here.
To claim your free first day parking with us, all you need to do after signing up, is email us on with the promotional code BROADMEADBIDFIRSTDAYFREE. This credit will then appear on your first invoice.
Premium Car Parks operating hours in the car parks, are as follows:
- Monday – Sunday: Open 24 hours
Please note that this heavily discounted parking scheme, is for regular parkers only. There is a minimum charge in place which consists of clients needing to meet the minimum usage requirement of four parking visits per month.
We also offer monthly and yearly subscription options in Cabot Circus car park. Please be aware that this offer can only be used in conjunction with the daily rate subscription option at Cabot Circus car park.
For Premium Car Park’s full T&C’s please visit:
BID-funded training for BID levy payers and their staff.
More info HERE
Digital skills
For your business to succeed, you need to take positive action to equip your workforce with the right skills for your needs.
The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) is working with partners to help small and medium sized businesses to effectively invest in their employees, adopt new technology and reap the benefits of increased productivity and resilience.
Free tailored support delivered through the Workforce For The Future Programme
All information is available HERE
Thrive at Work programme
The Thrive at Work programme, developed by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA), offer free e-learning courses for Managers. ‘Managing Mental Health at Work’ is designed for SMEs (with a maximum headcount of 250) to equip their managers with the confidence and skills to have supportive conversations with their staff about mental health and wellbeing, particularly in these challenging times. Developed in partnership with Mind, the leading mental health charity, the course is free to access (funded by WECA) for SMEs in the West of England.
Tech For Growth programme
Tech for Growth is a West of England Mayoral Combined Authority (WECA) initiative, delivered in partnership with Business West and techSPARK, which aims to help SMEs in the region to grow through the adoption of new technology.
By joining the programme, you’ll receive support with:
• Put in place new systems to improve processes, productivity and competitiveness
• Develop approaches to entering new markets
• Attract new customers to increase sales
• Increase turnover
• Develop and / or create employment opportunities
• Identify current or future skills and training needs
Find out more about the eligibility criteria and apply for support
The programme is funded by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority, via the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Growth Hub is led by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority to support organisations across the region.
Solar Together (for SMEs)
Are you looking to reduce your business’s energy bills and carbon footprint? You can now register for Solar Together to access a top-quality solar panel installation at a competitive price: Solar Together offers a package of 4 to 25 solar panels – ideal for a variety of business premises.
Find out more
To maximize your savings, you could also combine this with a Green Business Grant from the West of England Combined Authority, and also benefit from a free Carbon Survey
Everyday activities like shopping can present challenges for some customers. There are many small actions you can take to make your stores more accessible, benefiting your customers and colleagues now and in the future.
The Everyone Welcome guide
The Everyone Welcome guide, published by the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), is a comprehensive guide for retailers on how to provide excellent customer service for all customers, including the millions of customers with disabilities and different needs.
Download the Everyone Welcome guide
Dementia Awareness workshops
The BID can arrange workshops for your teams with the fabulous local charity Bristol Dementia Action Alliance, while helping them achieve their goal of making Bristol the dementia-friendly city of the UK.
If you work in Bristol Shopping Quarter and would be interested in receiving some training, please email